Can’t Leave Behind

Some things refuse to be left behind.  Friendships, jobs, love interests etc… that keep circling back into our lives. Why?  I’m sure based on your personal belief system, your thoughts on fate, karma and destiny this discussion could go on for years—

My thoughts on this vary. Maybe we still have something to be gleaned from the past? Maybe it’s to show us how much we have grown and to remind us where we once were?  Maybe that person/ thing can’t let go of you? Again big discussion topic that could go on and on, but if its toxic and you found a way to push past—leave it in the past! Or maybe it’s because this thing should be in your life?

I really don’t need a new pair of shoes. I have plenty. I do love to peruse a shoe store I admit. It’s the only shopping I truly enjoy. However, these days I mostly look; I have shoes of every color and design. It is a challenge for me to find anything that I don’t already own— I’m serious.

Recently I saw this lovely strappy pair in the Heathrow airport. If my travels had gone according to my plan I would have never been in London and delayed 5 hours.  Travel woes. They popped up again while I was visiting Scotland. I still thought they were very appealing, but I have several pairs of black strappy sandals, I really don’t need another.

Then this tenacious pair of heels showed up again in Dublin.  They really know how to wear a girl down. I’ve had boyfriends that weren’t this persistent.  I’m sure there is something to be learned from that as well. I still didn’t purchase these beauties but I did try them on, which was a mistake. I loved them. But I still left them behind.

Back stateside not even a day and this scrappy determined pair of shoes showed up as a pop up ad on my computer. Ok, you win sexy strappy sandals I’m bringing you in. Maybe these persistent pumps know that I will need them in the near future? How exciting to think what our future together might bring. Dear Future– I have the shoes—I’m ready –bring it!




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