Its Not Always Pretty.

I get asked a lot; how many pairs of shoes do you own? Do you really wear all of them? How can you walk in those? Are you constantly giving/ throwing away shoes?

I never mind questions about my shoes. I love shoes. Shoes are fun and no matter how much Halloween candy, holiday cookies, or chocolate Easter eggs you have eaten, they always fit! I have pictures of some of my favorites stored on my phone like cherished friends.

How many pairs do I own? I honestly don’t know. Probably a number I should be embarrassed about, but this does not embarrass me. Actually I am proud of every pair. Each pair was lovingly chosen. And yes I wear every pair I have ever purchased. Some more than others of course. It’s hard to pull off thigh high black sequined boots on a daily basis.

Walking in heels just takes practice. At first you look like a newly born baby giraffe but in time, you’ll get the hang of it. Well most do. My advice start small 2-3 inches and work you way up to 5+ inches. I can always tell actresses in movies and red carpet events who don’t wear heels often, they look like the above mentioned baby giraffes. I could run (Not far mind you) in heels if needed.

As far as discarding my lovelies, I keep most of my shoes until the end of their life. Some shoes live longer than others. Cloth shoes wear out faster than leather etc.… I have rock star status with the cobbler in my neighborhood. I keep him busy re- pairing and cleaning up my darlings. I had a pair of boots resoled 4 times before I finally let them lay to rest.

Mostly the shoes give out on me before I give up on them. Case and point this pair of black wedges. They were several years, but they were great for walking. I was visiting my dear friend the fabulous Nita Apple in downtown LA. (If you want any project improved by 1000% hire her for a consult! We had walked to brunch about a mile from her home. It was a lovely sunny Sunday and then in the middle of the crosswalk of 6th and Flower the center of the wedge just fell out, it literally disintegrated. Now I was walking like the above mentioned baby giraffe.  The middle of wedge just called it quits. I was trying to hobble back to her home on this dilapidated shoe when the back of the shoe also gave up the ghost. Now walking was truly hilarious. Nita and I laughed so hard at the ever-disappearing shoe. It was funny and the champagne from brunch I’m sure spirited our giggles. I made it back to my car eventually and of course I had some other shoes in my car- I always do. (Scout motto be prepared)  So this pair decided life was over before I was done with them. RIP Black Wedges, thank you for the laughs!




  1. Nance says:

    Your ode to high heels is always welcome and then you add thigh high sequin boots, the ever fabulous Nita Apple AND a farewell to the beloved black wedge: you get an A+!

  2. Karen says:

    I love your shoe tales!

  3. Roger says:

    How’s the baby giraffe? Hope to meet you sometime. .

  4. Carol says:

    I saw the photo with this blog and though “Finally, a pair of shoes I could wear!” And then I find out they bit the dust before you were ready. A very sad blog. But always entertaining. I love your shoe stories.

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