All in the Family

Nature verse nurture? One of many mysteries through the ages—like which came first the chicken or the egg? Or why did the chicken cross the road? Knock knock– who’s there—some things we never get to know– what, why or who.

What I do know is that we inherit more that just our physical characteristics from our relatives.  This is proven science. Some day when you are at a park, beach or Disneyland—any place with a lot of families. Observe how they walk. People from the same family often even walk the same—it’s fascinating. One of the many things (good or bad) passed on to us by DNA.

So is it nature or nurture that my nieces love beautiful shoes, just like their Aunt Laura? Was it my influence or part of our shared genetic code? And if so – whom did I get this trait/obsession from? Ok I might have to do some genealogy. Somewhere in the back of my mind I think my grandmother sold shoes—I will investigate.

All I can tell you is that when one of my beautiful nieces purchases a pair of killer shoes and feels the need to send me a photo—I couldn’t be more proud! With glee this last week I received this in a text. Go conquer the world Brooke in your stunning new heels.




  1. Nance Rosen says:

    Shimmery, elegant and gold! Hahn. To be young at feet!

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