Action Movies and High Heels

It’s a combo not seen often, but two friends this week sent me this Youtube clip—and its silly and fun.  Thank you.

I would love to see more action movies with high heels; it would for sure up the difficulty factor.  Try fighting crime in stilettos Batman. Or space battles in heels Avengers, Luke or Han. Even Princess Lela in the gold bikini (Iconic image for millions of boys- now men) didn’t don a pair of heels, which clearly would have been a high heel sporting opportunity.

They tried to add high heels in the second Ironman movie with Gwyneth Paltrow (Miss Potts) and Scarlett Johansson (Natalie Rushman/Natasha Romanoff) trying to walk out of Tony Stark’s office together in very high Christian Louboutin shoes. I say try because their gait was so awkward even my friend turned to me in the movie and mentioned how they didn’t know how to walk in heels that high—they should take lessons from me. Apparently some one else noticed this because in the next scene, getting out of the car and walking into party/ reception Miss Potts is wearing a much lower heel and not sporting the red soles so famous on the Louboutin brand. This is not something I think many people would notice, but to the shoe fanatic I am—well it was a glaring continuity error.

But why stop at action films? Why not sports films as well? Chariots of Fire in Heels.  White Men Can’t Jump in Heels. Rocky in Heels. King Pin in Heels. Seabiscuit in Heels—ok now I’m getting ridiculous. But it was kind of fun to think of the oddest combinations.

Happy Sunday
