Foot Fetishes: More ‘Normal’ Than You Think.

Okay foot fetish freaks, you know who you are.  I’m about to make you feel a whole lot better concerning your ‘foot interests’. Foot fetishism is the most popular and most documented fetish worldwide. However, some clarification, according to the scientific definition of a fetish, an inanimate object must be the object of desire. Since the foot is part of the body, technically, it’s not really a fetish. It is really foot partialism. However if the foot is in a shoe– then the lines start to blur between the two. Really it Po-tay-to verses Po-tah-to.

Next up, there is a neurobiological basis for this particular fetish. Tactile aka touch sensation in your somatosensory cortex aka your brain as it so happens feet and genitals are right next to each other. Meaning for some people there is neural crosstalk between the two areas aka a crossover in transmission between feet and your sexy parts. So according to your brain, feet can turn you on. Other fetishes… you are on your own to explain, sorry no science to help you.

Of course since foot fetishes are the most popular there are other theories as well trying to explain this phenomenon about feet. Sigmund Freud of course had plenty of theories as to why feet, mostly involving some aspect of penis-symbol/surrogate because everything it seems with Freud is about the penis or your mother.

Another theory hypothesized that foot fetishism increases as a response to epidemics of  STD’s. Foot play is considered a safe sex alternative. I’m not convinced about either of these ideas, I’ll stick with neurobiology.

Just so you know both men and women have foot fetishes, but it’s more prevalent with men than women. Are here is a list of some famous foot fetish peeps, Thomas Hardy, Elvis Presley, Andy Warhol, and Quentin Tarantino. Now granted these are electric’s but you foot fetish types should feel a little bit more cozy knowing you might actually be ‘normal’ in a sense. Education with entertainment is my favorite combo.
