Shoes, Guns and TSA

I love shoes. I’m blah on guns and very much dislike TSA. It’s true, I gravitate towards the interesting- borderline crazy only meant for theater productions type heels but who in this modern world doesn’t know that TSA and airport security is sadly part of our lives? I hate that I can’t board a plane without having my belongings ruffled through and my body man handled. Thank goodness for TSA pre-check. But this annoys me as well. Yes, I get to go through security faster, but I had to pay money to have this privilege and sometimes I’m still subject to additional security. Being searched without just cause is just another personal right we have given up. When did boarding a plane make you a suspect of a crime? Worthy of a search? I know the tag line, “Its for our safety.”  But studies have shown it really has made no difference in airport security. So we gave up a personal right with no tangible increase to our safety. Welcome to modern air travel.

The average American flies less than once a year. I took close to a 100 flights last year. Maybe that is why I am constantly amazed at the complete surprise some people have going through the airport security line.

“I have to take off my shoes? My belt? I can’t bring my gallon-sized shampoo on the plane?  I have to take of my jacket? Empty my pockets, completely? What? Put my computer in a separate tray. What? ”

For those who fly a lot, being behind you (a collective you) is like getting in line behind the person at the grocery store line who has 50 coupons and wants to write a check when you have one item to purchase.

But people have we lost our minds? A lady in Washington DC tried to go through the TSA check point with these gun shoes in her carry on luggage. Upon inspection the bullets and of course the guns were not real but common sense should of told her this pair was not going to fly – literally.

I can tell you from first hand knowledge she was lucky she was in America, that pair of shoes in a Middle Eastern country would get you detained and possibly not allowed to board the plane. I guess God Bless America! Heaven knows we need a bit of divine intervention.
