Sneakerhead Pro Athlete Term for Shoe Fanatic

I recently found out that many professional athletes are shoe fanatics like myself. We are drawn to different styles of course, but their level of enthusiasm surpasses even my own. Granted they have more funds at their discretion for their collection. But I admire their fervor for footwear nonetheless. They are called sneakerheads. Some of these elite athletes have built special rooms or cases to store their shoe collection. I can appreciate this practice, I too have some of my fancier shoes on display like a piece of art.

But this week’s shoe blog sends a huge kudos to the new San Antonio Spurs forward LaMarcus Aldridge who is upping the ante for all fellow sneakerheads/ shoe fanatics.

Mr. Aldridge who ran out of room in his house for his shoes is in the process of building a separate house behind his main house “just for shoes.”

Of course, the 30-year-old NBA star can afford both his shoe collection and a separate house for his sneakers. He just signed a four-year, $84.1 million contract.

Well done on all accounts Mr. Aldridge.

Aldridge Has Next Level Shoe Storage