How to Talk to Women….

Ask about her favorite pair of shoes. Okay I can hear your eyes rolling back in your head gentlemen and some ladies. But it is a great opening question. Doesn’t mean you have to keep the conversation on shoes for the whole evening (even for me that would be boring)—how you navigate the exchange after that is up to you. However, it is a way more creative opener then the weather, her sign, where she went to school or her job. And I will bet money you will get a way more interesting story too.

It’s a holiday weekend chances are you will be in a social situation/ party trying your skills at small talk openers.  I’m telling you it will make you look like a rock star.  You are asking about her, rather than telling her about you. And most likely you will get a story about a vacation, a special event or if you’re lucky (and appropriate- wink wink) about a steamy encounter.

Almost every women has a favorite pair of shoes and the follow up is … I bet most of the time she never/rarely wears them… for some reason. That is where the real meat of the story is… FYI.   Ask why.  The direction of the dialog after that is up to you both… you can then proceed with chatting about sports, how you hiked across Peru or how you saved a child from a burning building. You know I’m teasing… but there is some level of truth as well… My recent favorite, “I just vacationed with George Clooney in Italy at his Lake Como home. He is going be in my movie.”  “Oh that reminds me of the marlin I caught while ocean fishing with President……”

This is one of my favorite pairs, when I see you I will tell you the story and yes I never wear them.
