Graduations, Weddings and Croquet Parties

“Summertime and the living is easy…” Summer is my favorite time of the year. I love love love warm long days.  Technically, summer doesn’t start for another few weeks but for me the month of June always seems like the start of summer.

June also the traditional month for weddings and graduations… and for me my first ever invitation to a swanky croquet party. Now I will confess I have never been to a croquet party, swanky or otherwise, it was sort of like when I got invited to a Wiccan party, I had to search Google (thank goodness for Google) for appropriate attire and etiquette. I try to avoid novice faux pas if possible at all first time adventures.

The problem with attending a swanky croquet party is the event is dressy but the main surface for the festivities is grass. Any women who has attended a garden wedding or an outdoor graduation knows high heels and grass are a precarious situation, and if the ground is slightly damp, potentially very dangerous. It’s like dropping your heel into quick sand with each step. It leaves you walking around on you tip toes for the entire day, you look like a very ungraceful cat burglar.

What shoes do I wear with a fancy dress and still navigate grassy surfaces?  I know this is a first world, privileged dilemma, but it is still a problem. I really don’t want to break my ankle. I know for many this is easy, sandals, flip- flops, (and I shutter) crocs. For me, Miss Shoe Fanatic the fore mentioned is not an acceptable solution. Then in a flash–the answer…the wedge. It’s still a heel but with a sold supportive base, plus there are so popular presently. I know its not one of the great mysteries solved, but for this girl attending her first swanky croquet party, it was important.

Be safe out there in your fabulous shoes.

Happy Summer
